Account Information
Warning |
Subscription ID: Trigger: application.program.selected sftpBaseDirectory: /incoming/liaison/prospects/ |
Data and Document Subscriptions
in 2023-24, there was one large call for received, completed, verified, and all of the various documents. F0r 2024-25, these have been separated out into individual subscriptions for easier management.
Received (by VMCAS; i.e. Submitted)
Warning |
Subscription ID: Trigger: application.program.received sftpPathTemplate: |
Warning |
Subscription ID: Trigger: application.program.completed sftpPathTemplate: |
Warning |
Subscription ID: Trigger: |
Trigger | sftpPathTemplate |
application.program. |
received | VMCAS- |
submitted_<applicationId>_<casApplicantId>!<deliveredDate>.csv |
Data Updates/wiki/spaces/~60351d7b8ff098007157b10c/pages/341934081
Warning |
Subscription ID: Trigger: file.transcript.updated sftpPathTemplate: |
Warning |
Subscription ID: Trigger: file.evaluation.updated sftpPathTemplate: |
Vendor Transcript Evals
Warning |
Subscription ID: Trigger: file.vendorTranscriptEval.updated sftpPathTemplate: |
“Reader” PDF--no race/ethnicity
Warning |
Subscription ID: Trigger: sftpPathTemplate: |
Trigger: application.updated [Students may add new items to certain areas of the Academic History, Supporting Information, and Program Materials sections (e.g., test scores, experiences, optional documents, etc.), where applicable, but cannot edit existing entries. All other sections are read-only.
Data Hold: InProgress
sftpBaseDirectory: /incoming/liaison/
sftpPathTemplate: VMCAS-app-s-updated_<applicationId>_<casApplicantId>.csv
application.program.completed | VMCAS-completed_<applicationId>_<casApplicantId>!<deliveredDate>.csv |
application.program.verified | VMCAS-verified_<applicationId>_<casApplicantId>!<deliveredDate>.csv |
Documents Document Import Notes
Trigger | dataHold | sftpPathTemplate |
| |
file.attachment.updated | InProgress | VMCAS_pers_<casApplicantId>__<documentSubType>__<fileId>!<deliveredDate>.pdf |
file.evaluation.updated | InProgress | VMCAS_app_<casApplicantId>_<programId>_<docType>__<fileId>!<deliveredDate>.pdf |
file.transcript.updated | InProgress | VMCAS_pers_<casApplicantId>__<docType><transcriptType>_<collegeAttendedId>_<fileId>!<deliveredDate>.pdf |
file.vendorTranscriptEval.updated | InProgress | VMCAS_pers_<casApplicantId>__<docType>_<collegeAttendedId>_<fileId>!<deliveredDate>.pdf *Which turned out to be a problem for matching--I needed the transcript type in there: |
“Reviewer” PDF, without race an ethnicity information
Warningnote |
Subscription ID: 8040 Trigger: application.program.received |
Data Updates/wiki/spaces/~60351d7b8ff098007157b10c/pages/341934081
Tip |
Subscription ID: 7014 Trigger: application.updated Data Hold: InProgress,Received,Complete |
Warning |
Subscription ID: 5349 Trigger: application.program.verified Data Hold: InProgress,Received,Complete |
deleted 9/15/2023; not using CAS API data for coursework, will bring it via WebAdmit