- Default Password is "12345678"
- Please note this is the default manufacturer's password and it should be changed immediately to something more secure
Best Practices
- Change default password to prevent unauthorized access
- Note: You must be physically at the machine to change the Administrator password. This cannot be done from the remote Konica Web Connection Page Scope.
- Enable NTLMv2 Authenication
- Disable unused procotols such as AppleTalk/Bonjour/WebDAV/FTP/NetWare
- Require Departmental Code before allowing Printing/Scanning/Copying
- Use of Print Server for centralized administration
- Enable IP Filtering to limit direct IP printing and only allow authorized clients to print
- Set Copier to DHCP and assign DHCP Reservation using Proteus (This will insure that the copier always pulls the correct DNS, WINS, and gateway from DHCP server.
- Note: Configuring copiers with a Manual IP may causes issues in the future if the Tufts DNS or WINS servers change as they have in the past)
- Enable internal Hard Drive encryption or disable scanning to internal hard drive