If your scan gets moved to the completed section without any results, double-check that you entered the correct IP address, and then make a Nessus support request to Support Request to see why the scan didn't run (and to let us know if a subnet you support needs to be added to your scan permission list).
The Nessus web interface uses a Flash applet to interact with the the Nessus vulnerability vulnerability scanner. This Flash applet does not provide the correct links when accessed through the SSL VPN (it applies an absolute HTTP path rather than a relative path).
You'll be unable to log in or use Nessus. After the Flash applet initially loads, you will see this error: https://wikis.uit.tufts.edu/confluence/download/attachments/39557353/nessus-error.png\
- It is possible to use the SSL VPN's Network Connect\ client to connect to the scanning service from off-site through the VPN. This should work equally well for Windows, Mac, and Linux clients using their respective Network Connect client.
- It is not possible to use the browser-only functionality of the VPN to connect to Nessus. The developer of the software indicated to Information Security that Nessus is not compatible with SSL VPNs because it is too difficult to develop Flash applications using relative path names. Tenable also indicated that there is no planned date to resolve this issue and become compatible with SSL VPNs.