Package Information
This is a quiet installer that activates the software with no user interaction.
- 64 Bit Installer - Install SPSS 21 for Win 7 x64 TEMPLATE (do not use without changing auth code!)
- 32 Bit Installer - Install SPSS 21 for XP / Win 7 x86 TEMPLATE (do not use without changing auth code!)
Current Version: 21
Last Updated: 2/27/2013
NOTE: You *MUST* create a new distribution package for each authorization code you receive and update the package with the code before deploying to your client(s). There are also two versions of this installer template, a 64 bit and a 32 bit please choose the appropriate one. Please see the "Creating your own distribution package" section below.
Current MSI Switches used for MSIs: /i /qn AUTHCODE="CODE-GOES-HERE" COMPANYNAME="Tufts University"
The MSI's were extracted from the EXE's located at \\titan\software$\fsp\SPSS\SPSS 21\
This was done by launching the EXE (SPSS_Statistics_21_win32.exe or ...win64.exe) and doing a file search on the local system for "IBM SPSS Statistics 21.msi". If that fails to show results, try searching the disk for *.msi or by date & time modified.
The decompressed files will most likely be found in a folder under the current users directory in \AppData\Local\Temp\
You will need the entire folder that the MSI is located in, not just the MSI itself.
Package Locations
64 Bit Installer - \\titan\ldeskpackages$\ITS\IBM\SPSS\SPSS21
32 Bit Installer - \\titan\ldeskpackages$\ITS\IBM\SPSS\SPSS21-x86
IBM Documentation for SPSS Installation
\\titan\software$\fsp\SPSS\SPSS 21\Misc\
Creating Your Own Distribution Package
After receiving the authorization code, within the LANDesk console navigate to Distribution Packages -> Public Packages -> ITS -> IBM -> SPSS 21
Right click on the appropriate installer for 64 or 32 bit and choose "Copy"
The right click on Distribution packages -> My packages and choose "Paste"
This will make a copy of the template for you to work with.
Now right click on the copy you just made and update the following:
1) Under "Package Information" -> change the Name - please add the Incident Number from Tech Connect to help keep track of running tasks
2) Under Install / Uninstall options -> replace the text in the "Enter command line..." field that says "CODE-GOES-HERE" to reflect the authorization code you wish to use (leave the quotation marks).
Please save the task and schedule for deployment as needed.