To make a custom group, navigate to "Security and Patch Compliance," "Patch and Compliance," and then click on "Custom Groups" to expand the drop-down menu. Next, right click on "My Custom Groups" and select "New Group". This will generate the new group under the "My Custom Groups" heading which should name.
Next, click on "Scan" and highlight the patches you would like to administer. It is recommended that Adobe, RealPlayer, Flash, and Internet browsers be patched regularly as they are heavily utilized and vulnerable programs. When you have your patches selected, drag and drop them into your custom group folder.
To immediately administer these patches or schedule a deployment time, right click on your group's name. In this example, the group is "Test Group." Select "Repair."
In the window that opens, name your task and select "Repair as Policy," which will administer the patch when the selected computers check for LANDesk policy updates, typically once a day or when a user first logs in. This option is best when targeting a large group of users, who may or may not be online. They will definitely receive the patch whenever their computer next checks for LANDesk policy updates. Then select "Configure" under the "Scan and Repair Settings."
In the window that opens, select "New," then name your scan and repair settings. Choose "Show progress dialog: Never"
Next, click "Scan Options" and select "Group." Click the ellipsis to open a list of all available groups. Choose your group out of the "My Custom Groups" tab. In this example, we'll select "Test Group." When you have finished, select "Repair Options" from the left-hand menu bar. Here, you can choose to immediately begin your scan or set a time for the scan to begin. It is recommended that you un-check "Start repair even if user is running a presentation" and check "Start repair even if reboot is already pending."