This is an opt-in secure policy for Activesync devices. As Activesync is licensed but not identical across all devices, some devices may function slightly differently with different OS versions.
Testing OSes
iOS 6 - Working
iOS 5 - Working
Android 4.x - Working
Windows 8 - Need Testing
The goal of this secure policy is to increase the chances that a stolen or lost phone is wiped either by the person in possession of the phone, or by either the end user (through OWA) or Exchange Administrator if needed.
Why Opt-In?
Tufts is a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) environment. It is our hope by piloting the Secure Pilot Plan we will be able to provide those legally responsible for Tufts data a way to determine if a secure policy is right to be enforced at a universal level if connecting a device to the Tufts environment.
A ticket to ESS for now will suffice: ESS-Ticket We will plan to add this functionality as part of administrative roles for TuftsTools in the future.
Summary of the Policy
- Enforces a password of minimum length 4 on a mobile device that mounts Exchange.
- Password complexity is not a requirement, nor password age, or password reset frequency. These items are security deterrents but unnecessary to attain the Goals stated above.
- After 10 incorrect password entries, a wipe code is sent to the device. The user is warned of this.
- Many Devices (such as iPhones) institute time lockouts between password entries
Code Block |
iPhone 4s, running OS 6.1.3 (latest)
* 1-5: bad password
* 6: 1min lockout (emergency calls allowed)
* 7: 5min lockout (emergency calls allowed)
* 8: 15min lockout (emergency calls allowed)
* 9: 60min lockout (emergency calls allowed)
* 10:
- The Device is instructed to compare its local policy to the server every hour. Changes in the server policy will appear on the device within 1h:59minutes.
- The device policy does not allow "Unsigned Applications" (those not approved by the OS provider, or sanctioned App store
- The device policy does not otherwise restrict options on the device, in order to observe the BYOD environment at Tufts.
- The policy will not allow a device that cannot accept the policy (due to incompatibilities in OS) to connect to Exchange over ActiveSync