Owned and Operated by TTS – student staff
Lab hours on httphttps://aseit.tufts.edu/its/labeaton.htmqs-eatonhours
Imaged once a year or as needed
May require purchase of licenses for software not already installed in lab:
Form: https://it.tufts.edu/labSoftwareRequest
Related Links: (We need to make changes to old ITS website)http
Eaton: https://aseit.tufts.edu/its/labEaton.htmqs-eatonlocation
- General info: http://it.tufts.edu/public-labs
- Printing in the labs: https://it.tufts.edu/qs-labprint
Mugar: https://aseit.tufts.edu/its/labPrinting.htmqs-mugarlocation