This application uses the Tufts Password, which consolidates your Active Directory (_AD_) and Trumpeter Services passwords into one convenient simplified password. Click {newwindow:here|Simplified Sign-on}http://uit.tufts.edu/?pid=744{newwindow} to learn more about the Simplified Sign-on Tufts Password.
* Tufts Simplified Sign-on eliminates the need for what has been known as the “Trumpeter password,” the password that is used to access Trumpeter email, Tufts library services, Spark, Elists, TUSK and many other systems. Users will access all systems that now use the Trumpeter password with their Active Directory (AD) password, which is currently used for logging into MS Windows computers, Microsoft Exchange, Tufts VPN, and network storage (e.g. P:, Q:, and R: drives). Going forward, your AD password will be called your “Tufts Password” because it will cover so many systems.
{indent}Click {newwindow:here|Tufts Tools} http://tuftstools.tufts.edu/index.html{newwindow} to change or recover your password.
Click {newwindow:here|Simplified Sign-on}http://uit.tufts.edu/?pid=744{newwindow} to learn more about the Simplified Sign-on Tufts Password.
Use your Simplified Sign-on *Tufts Password*.
{indent}Tufts Simplified Sign-on eliminates the need for what has been known as the *Trumpeter Password*, which was used to access Trumpeter email, Tufts library services, Spark, Elists, TUSK and many other systems.{indent}