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{section} {column:width=63%} For BES Policy, here is the document that outlines all of the items noting default settings which the BES 5.0 system is set for today. This is a parking lot item to work through as a next phase where I feel we set general guidelines for the service as a whole (e.g. device has password set)and then work out solutions for each of the schools based on agreed upon requirements. [] {column} {column:width=35%|border=1} {panel:title=Navigation|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=#514e85|titleBGColor=#336699|bgColor=#ffffff} {livesearch:spaceKey=exchange2010} [Exchange] {pagetree:root=Exchange|depth=3|sort=title} {panel} h3. Topics by Label {popular-labels:spaceKey=exchange2010|style=heatmap|count=50} {show-to:space=ITCommunity} {show-to} {column} {section} {show-to:space=ITCommunity} {show-tolive-template:Live Default} |
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