As a result of changes to IBM’s SPSS licensing rules and a re-categorization of our legacy licenses, administrative use of Tufts’ legacy SPSS licenses for administrative work is no longer permitted. Over the summer, I asked the university’s software coordinators that I regularly work with to identify administrative users in their respective areas. Based on the names they provided, we have completed a one-time purchase of 30 SPSS licenses (covering Base, Advanced and Regression) for administrative users.
I’ve attached a copy of the list of administrative users for whom administrative licenses were purchased. All of the individuals on this list are now permitted to use SPSS Base, Advanced and Regression for administrative work. All Institutional Research users are licensed for Custom Tables in addition to the other three modules (Base, Advanced and Regression). For those administrative users that already have legacy licenses installed, Iris Schwartz, our SPSS representative, assures me that the software can continue to be used until the current activation nears expiration and is re-activated. Software does not have to be re-installed.
Please be aware of the following additional change in SPSS license management at Tufts. We are implementing a policy change for SPSS installations. Going forward, all requests for SPSS installations or activations, administrative or otherwise, will only be processed if they have been received via a Tech Connect ticket. When you submit the Tech Connect ticket requesting an activation code, include the machine-ID computer name where the software is to be installed/activated. Further, LANDesk or a comparable product that will permit discovery is a pre-requisite prerequisite for any future SPSS installation, upgrade or activation. Please let me know if you have any questions about these changes. In the next few weeks, I will be sending out a general post service about the changes to SPSS licensing at Tufts.