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{section} {column:width=63%} h2. Q: How are local folders migrated? What happens during migration to local folders that are not in default locations? h2. A: Local folders in the default location will migrate automatically. Local folders stored elsewhere will have to be done manually. h3. When local folders are in the default location: When the Addressbook Magic script runs, it looks for local folders in the default location, which is: C:\Documents and Settings\<Windows user name>\Application Data\Thunderbird\Profiles\<Profile name> Addressbook Magic creates a .pst and places it in the default location for Outlook: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook h3. When local folders are in a non-standard location: If clients have moved their local folders elsewhere (P: drives, for example), Addressbook Magic will not be able to find them automatically, so they will _not_ not be migrated by the script. Local folders can be migrated manually in the following way: * Go to \\titan\uit-e2010scripts$\addrload\ and copy that directly locally. ** For this example c:\abm works, but if it is a restricted user you'll have to dump it somewhere in the \%appdata%\ directory. {code} start > run > cmd cd\ cd c: cd abm addrload -mv -o "MessageStore=Archive Mail" -if local folder name contains spaces, copy folder to C: and rename folder and make suretb:p:\localmail\Mozilla\Profiles\default\c5uhk3p2.slt\Mail pst:localmail.pst {code} {warning}Sometimes Addrload will not function if the path is too long or if there are nomany spaces. tb:p:\localmail\Mozilla\Profiles\default\c5uhk3p2.slt\Mail pst:localmail.pst {code in the path. If it is erroring for you, try migrating from a shorter path destination, or by renaming folders temporarily to remove spaces.{warning} * The above will perform local mail in a custom location {code} addrload -av tb:p:\localmail\Mozilla\Profiles\default\c5uhk3p2.slt\Mail pst:localcontacts.pst {code} * The above will perform local contacts in a custom location h2. Related Information For more information or other Addressbook Magic variances, the Enterprise Edition manual can be found here: \\titan\uit-e2010scripts$\AddrLoad\Enterprise Edition Manual.doc\ {column} {column:width=35%|border=1} {panel:title=Navigation|borderStyle=solid|borderColor=#514e85|titleBGColor=#336699|bgColor=#ffffff} {livesearch:spaceKey=exchange2010} [Exchange] {pagetree:root=Exchange|depth=3|sort=title} {panel} h3. Topics by Label {popular-labels:spaceKey=exchange2010|style=heatmap|count=50} {show-to:space=ITCommunity} {show-to} {column} {section} {show-to:space=ITCommunity} {show-to} |
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