The download and included documentation are available here: https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/viewProduct.html?id=180
Setting up the Appliance
Warning |
Please be aware that while this appliance is fairly to get up and running, it is still a linux based server. If you are unfamiliar with managing an Ubuntu server, please be careful about using this within your IT group |
The JAMF appliance is distributed in the .ova format, which is easily imported into Virtualbox. Unfortunately, .ova is not supported by VMWare products. If you are using virtualbox, simply import the .ova file and configure the virtual machine as needed. For VMWare products, the .ova file must be converted to a compatible format, such as .vmx. VMware provides a command line conversion tool that can be used. The download and documentation can be found here: http://communities.vmware.com/community/vmtn/server/vsphere/automationtools/ovf. If you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with command line tools, more simple instructions are also available: http://derflounder.wordpress.com/2012/02/06/converting-jamfs-netbootsus-appliance-to-vmware/
Configuring the Appliance