No Format |
openssl s_client -connect hostname:port -showcerts |
Verifying a public key matches its cert
I had an issue where the upload crt/key file to the LB didn't match. The LB indicated a profile mismatch.
Before I engaged NOC, I ran the two commands below on the files located on splunk to confirm they matched. With this information I could engage NOC and request them to double check what was loaded as the files on splunk are correct.
No Format |
[root@splunk-prod-02 wildcard.library.tufts.edu-August-23-2019]# openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in wildcard.library.tufts.edu.crt |openssl md5(stdin)= 9d26a9799c73eedf15819fa19763a73b
[root@splunk-prod-02 wildcard.library.tufts.edu-August-23-2019]# openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in wildcard.library.tufts.edu.key |openssl md5(stdin)= 9d26a9799c73eedf15819fa19763a73b
Test your cert after Installing onto the site
No Format |
To test the cert applied to a site, browse here and enter the site name : https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest |
Verifying a public key matches its cert
- [root@splunk-prod-02 wildcard.library.tufts.edu-August-23-2019]# openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in wildcard.library.tufts.edu.crt |openssl md5(stdin)= 9d26a9799c73eedf15819fa19763a73b
- [root@splunk-prod-02 wildcard.library.tufts.edu-August-23-2019]# openssl rsa -noout -modulus -in wildcard.library.tufts.edu.key |openssl md5(stdin)= 9d26a9799c73eedf15819fa19763a73b