How can I get notified when my lsf submitted jobs finish:?
By default no mail is generated. You need to add the -u option to bsub.
-bash-3.2$ bsub ... -u firstname.lastname@tufts.edu sleep 10
This will cause an e-mail to be sent when the job finishes, containing a summary of the job, the output, CPU & memory utilization, etc.
Also note that this action might send an amount of output to your email account that it may put you over your email quota, thus preventing receipt of mail!
I need to submit 100s of jobs using the same program but with different input data, what is the best practice?
Suppose I want to copy data via scp from my bash script that is running on a compute node to the /scratch/utln storage area of the login node. How do I reference it? Note, your utln username is needed.
scp filename h01.uit.tufts.edu:/scratch/utln
Note, your utln username is needed.
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