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Ansys is a suite of finite element based applications that provide real-world simulations of structural, thermal, electromagnetic and fluid-flow behavior of 3-D product. All Ansys products integrate with CAD environments. Ansys's Polyflow is now available. This is normally access via the WorkBench interface.


Abaqus is a suite of applications used by many in the engineering community for the analysis of multi-body dynamics problems that aid the medical, automotive, aerospace, defense, and manufacturing community.

Fluent is a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software package commonly used in engineering education for research in fluid mechanics. The Fluent University Program provides universities with special, low-cost access to many of Fluents full-featured general use products. Each package includes a preprocessor, solver, and postprocessor.

Abaqus is a suite of applications used by many in the engineering community for the analysis of multi-body dynamics problems that aid the medical, automotive, aerospace, defense, and manufacturing community.

The Abaqus add-on product FE-Safe is a highly effective tool for fatigue analysis of Finite Element models.
