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R is a widely available object oriented statistical package. The current list of installed packages can be found in directory /opt/R/2.9.0-00/lib64/R/library/. Currently the following is available:

abind bayesm DBI gdata graph KEGG.db matchprobes nlme preprocessCore rpart splancs
ade4 bayesmix deldir gee graphics kernlab Matrix nnet quadprog rrcov splines
adegenet Biobase Design geepack grDevices KernSmooth mcmc Oncotree qualV RSQLite stats
affy Biostrings DynDoc GenABEL grid lattice MCMCpack onemap qvalue sampling stats4
affydata bitops e1071 GeneCycle GSA limma methods optmatch RandomFields scatterplot3d subplex
affyio boot elrm genefilter gtools lmomco mgcv ouch RArcInfo shapefiles survival
affyPLM caTools extRemes geneplotter hapassoc Lmoments mixreg outliers RColorBrewer simpleaffy tcltk
affyQCReport class fbati genetics HAPim locfit MNP pbatR R.css sp tkrplot
akima cluster fdrtool geometry haplo.ccs longitudinal modeltools pcaPP RFA spam tools
annaffy coda fgui geoR HaploSim lpSolve multcomp pedigree rgenoud SparseM topGO
annotate codetools fields geoRglm haplo.stats magic multilevel pegas rmetasim spatclus utils
AnnotationDbi combinat flexmix GExMap hapsim mapdata multtest phangorn robust spatial VGAM
ape ComPairWise foreign GFMaps hgu95av2.db mapproj mvoutlier PHYLOGR robustbase spatstat vsn
apTreeshape corpcor gam GO.db Hmisc maps mvtnorm PhySim ROC spBayes wasim
base covRobust gap gpclib IRanges marray ncdf plotrix ROCR spc XML
bayesclust datasets gcrma gplots ismev MASS neural popgen rootSolve SpectralGEM xtable

This represents a base installation suitable for most routine tasks, however not all available packages as found on the R web site are installed. If some other R package is needed, please make a software installation request as outlined above. Extensive user documentation and tutorials are available on the R web site. There are many texts as well, here is nice example
