- Local: You can open a ticket at https://it.tufts.edu/ or email it@tufts.edu Please specifically mention Xsede so the ticket gets routed properly to RGTS (Research and Geospatial Technology Services) It is very important that we know locally who is accessing Xsede and what questions you have.
- Xsede: For escalation to the Xsede helpdesk you can go to https://www.xsede.org/web/xup/help-desk or email help@xsede.org both of which will open a ticket. You can also reach the Xsede helpdesk 24/7 by telephone at 1-866-907-2383
How to access resources? Check out the Xsede user guides for each system in question https://www.xsede.org/web/guest/user-guides Generally speaking most Xsede systems are configured in a similar fashion and are accessed via ssh like other HPC systems around the world.
How to copy files? Similar to using ssh to login, you can use sftp, scp, and rsync over ssh to copy files to a system on Xsede. If your files are on the Tufts compute cluster they will copy over to Xsede much faster than from a typical desktop, workstation or laptop on a wired 1GB connection or wifi. Please feel free to contact Tufts staff to make sure your file copy procedures are as efficient as possible.