A special transfer host, xfer.cluster.tufts.edu, should be used to tranfer transfer files to and from a remote computer.
For example...
To copy a file up to the cluster into your home dir(user John Doe):
> scp your_file.xyz jdoe02@xfer.cluster.tufts.edu:/cluster/home/j/d/jdoe02/
To copy a file down to your PC or laptop into your current dir:
> scp jdoe02@xfer.clustertufts.edu:/cluster/home/j/d/jdoe02/your_file.txt .
Note the period on the end which indicates here.
What about ftp and ncftp?
The cluster does not run a ftp server, so you can't ftp to the cluster. You can Instead you should use sftp and scp clients on your desktop.
What is X11 forwarding?
ssh provides a protocol for sending X11 graphics between computers. This option needs to be turned on within your ssh program, such as SecureCRT or ssh command option, etc. If you use SecureCRT you need to enable X11 forwarding. Look for this option in your SecureCRT preference or global settings.