Linux information FAQs
Where do I find basic unix/linux resources?
See the man pages for complete documentation. Here is a short description of some.
Basic Unix Commands
Action Needed | Command | Usage |
Display contents of a file | cat | cat filename |
Copy a file | cp | cp [-op] source destination |
Change file protection | chmod | chmod mode filename or |
Change working directory | cd | cd pathname |
Display file (/w pauses) | more | more filename |
Display first page of text | less | less filename |
Display help | man | man command or |
Rename a file | mv | mv [-op] filename1 filename2 or |
Compare file | diff | diff file1 file2 |
Delete file | rm | rm [-op] filename |
Create a directory | mkdir | mkdir directory_name |
Delete a directory /w files in it | rmdir -r | rm -r directory_name |
Delete a directory | rmdir | rmdir directory_name |
Display a list of files | ls | ls [-op] directory_name |
Change the password | passwd | passwd |
Display a long list (details) | ls -l | ls -l directory_name |
Display current directory | pwd | pwd |
Display mounted filesystems | df | df |
I sometime notice that my job duration can vary when I rerun a program with exactly the same inputs, condition, etc... Why?
The cluster has a mix of several different Intel Cpus CPUs and motherboard combinations. The absolute performance potential is similar among them but given the mix of other jobs sharing nodes, your results will vary. This is not something that is predictable when the cluster is well loaded.
How can I submit jobs to LSF on the cluster from my workstation without actually logging into the cluster?
If you have ssh on your workstation, try the following:
> ssh ". /etc/profile.d/ && your_slurm_command ./yourprogram"
How do I convert mixed case file names in a directory to lower case?
Since jobs execute on compute nodes you should include this in a simple shell script along with your bsub sbatch command, so that the new setting takes effect on the compute node as well.