The single license server that should be used is licenses01.atech.tufts.edu
Installation Instructions:
- Download the file to your machine:
or find a copy at: /cluster/shared/dmarshal/ISO/
- Unzip the installer file
- Uninstall SigmaPlot 12.0, 12.1 or 12.2 Release Version
- Back up your files in the <user>\SigmaPlot\SPW12 folder if you have made changes to them. The exact profile folder depends on the operating system.
- Delete that <user>\SigmaPlot\SPW12 folder
- Double-click on the EXE file and install the program
For serial number to use for installation contact cluster-support@tufts.edu.
On Windows machines two environment variables are needed:
LSFORCEHOST license01.atech.tufts.edu
LSHOSTS license01.atech.tufts.edu
1. unless on school owned machine in labs