Action Needed | Command | Usage |
Display contents of a file | cat | cat filename |
Copy a file | cp | cp [-op] source destination |
Change file protection | chmod | chmod mode filename or |
Change working directory | cd | cd pathname |
Display file (/w pauses) | more | more filename |
Display first page of text | less | less filename |
Display help | man | man command or |
Rename a file | mv | mv [-op] filename1 filename2 or |
Compare file | diff | diff file1 file2 |
Delete file | rm | rm [-op] filename |
Create a directory | mkdir | mkdir directory_name |
Delete a directory /w files in it | rmdir -r | rm -r directory_name |
Delete a directory | rmdir | rmdir directory_name |
Display a list of files | ls | ls [-op] directory_name |
Change the password | passwd | passwd |
Display a long list (details) | ls -l | ls -l directory_name |
Display current directory | pwd | pwd |
Display mounted filesystems | df | df |
What is a man page?
man pages are linux/unix style text based documentation. For example, to obtain documentation on the command cat:
By default no mail is generated. You need to add the -u option to bsub. As an example:
-bash-3.2$ bsub ... -u firstname.lastname@tufts.edu sleep 10
Suppose I want to copy data via scp from my bash script that is running on a compute node to the /scratch/utln storage area of the login node. How do I reference it?
scp filename h01tunic.uit.tufts.edu:/scratch/utln
Note, your utln username is needed.
What is the path to reference from a job on a compute node to the storage on the login node?
/cluster/scratch/h01tunic/utln/ ....
How do I convert mixed case file names in a directory to lower case?