See attachment for Intel white paper introduction pdf document.
GPU computing and CUDA resources
As part of the recent research cluster summer 2011 upgrade, one compute node was provisioned with two Nvidia Tesla M2050 GPU processors. GPU processing is an excellent means to achieve shorter run times for many algorithms. There are two approaches to to use this resource. One is to program in Nvidia's programming language Cuda. The other approach is to use Matlab and other commercial applications that have GPU support.
Note, Nvidia Cuda and applications such as Matlab require specific coding to use gpu resources.
You'll find the CUDA toolkit in /opt/shared/cudatoolkit and the GPU computing SDK in /opt/share/gpucomputingsdk. The SDK contains a number of CUDA sample C applications that can be found at /opt/shared/gpucomputingsdk/4.0.17/C. Compiled samples can be found in /opt/shared/gpucomputingsdk/4.0.17/C/bin/linux/release.
To support GPU access new LSF GPU queues have been installed: short_gpu, normal_gpu and long_gpu.
For example to run Matlab and access GPU resources:
> module load matlab
> bsub -q short_gpu -Ip -R "rusagen_gpu_jobs=1" matlab
Matlab's Parallel Toolbox GPU demonstration applications is an excellent introduction. Additional applications such as Mathematica, Ansys, Maple and others offer various levels of support within their product. Bsub usage would be similar.
Additional GPU resources
There are many Cuda programming resouces on the web and of course the Nvida website. The following Stanford Univ. video lectures are available for viewing.
Stanford Seminars on High Performance Computing with CUDA
Stanford has posted videos from the Spring 2011 seminar series held at the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering (ICME). The ICME is directed by Professor Margot Gerritsen.
- Lecture 1: Intro to HPC with CUDA 1 (Cyril Zeller)
- Lecture 2: Intro to HPC with CUDA 2 (Justin Luitjens)
- Lecture 3: Optimizations 1 - Global Memory (Inderaj Bains)
- Lecture 4: Optimizations 2 - Shared Memory (Steven Rennich)
- Lecture 5: Finite Difference Stencils on Regular Grids (Paulius Micikevicius)
For videos
For slides
Tufts Parallel Users group