> module load cuda/6.5.12
to see what the details are:
> module display cuda/6.5.12
to obtain bash shell access to compile a cuda program:
To view pdf docs from the command line , chose oneusing a xserver:
> evince /usr/local/cuda-6.5/doc/pdf/CUDA_C_Best_Practices_Guide.pdf
Where is the deviceQuery command?
> which deviceQuery > srun --pty --x11=first -p gpu deviceQuery |
How does one make a gpu batch job?
Your compiled cuda program is submitted via a script that slurm's sbatch command can read. Here we run the deviceQuery command:
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --partition=gpu #SBATCH -c 2 #SBATCH --output=gpu.%N.%j.out #SBATCH --error=gpu.%N.%j.err module load cuda/6.5.12 deviceQuery > my_device_results.out |
What gpu libraries are available on the cluster for linear algebra methods?
Cuda has support and additional support can be found in Cula routines. Cula addresses dense and sparse matrix related methods and access is via the module environment. To see what is current:
> module available
Cula install directory is /opt/shared/cula/