Within this page, select CAS Configuration Portal Help Center
and Preview Your Programs, which contains instructions for submitting a test application through a test program:
Getting to this environment requires the “preview” setting:WebAdMIT > Login is the access to the configuration portal
Upon login, enter the CAS Configuration Portal
This opens in a new window:
Click through to the proper year
And into Tufts
Make sure to toggle the “preview” on, and then click the Preview Program(s) button
The link for the environment will be formatted like
So, for Vet:
Once the application has been started, it can be retrieved via Postman.
Note that retrieving an unsubmitted application will be quite unsatisfying--the available fields are quite restricted. Within this page, select CAS Configuration Portal Help Center
and Preview Your Programs, which contains instructions for submitting a test application through a test program: