green = COMPLETE
yellow = ON HOLD (not being actively worked on, but not closed out yet)
red = IN PROGRESS (actively being worked on)
blue = PENDING (has not been started yet, but is in a trajectory to be worked on)
purple = WAITING (some external trigger, such as a particular date or condition, needs to be in place before this can move to another status
grey = CLOSED (abandoned without completing, and no future intention of completing)
Close project/Archive old pages
Once the page for a project (either bug or request) is complete or closed, it should be moved to the (Closed) version of the parent page.
You can either drag and drop from the side-bar content menu or use the tool within the page to “Move” it.
After it is moved so that it is no longer a “child” page of the main “parent” page, it will no longer be listed in the page properties report in the (Closed) “parent” page.