Info |
Creating this page so we can keep notes, brainstorming, and references about this project with FGI. |
TUP Permissions
Access to queries via CJ to restrict by population?
Access to events and deliver campaigns without making someone a user and without giving them (edit all user) permissions?
Using active/inactive person rules to remove records from rule runs?
Managing interview scheduling (GSBS)
API Integrations
Source format mappings (round override, etc.) (TUP)
School data mapping (TUV)
Experiences mapping (TUV)
Switching to a static set of rounds moved between periods (TUP)
Round and period structure,consider this for all schools?
How to print portal content?
impact on enrollment reporting, access to past applications, (not just application data), and on query building for the future?
How to print portal content?
Interview Management
Summary communication to faculty about all of their interviews (rather than a separate e-mail for each)
Possibility of interview portal (designed for the faculty who interview once a year; single source with schedule, links to file and evaluation; best practices static content)
Prog coordinator scheduling portal is priority
Discuss: [is not an issue in Vet; it is in GSBS]
1/17/2024 Kickoff Meeting
What order/combination do we work on the instances?
LS prefer the SSO access, added to eReg during the meeting
Send to LS first/last/personal email/DOB for Tristan, Allen and Tim - complete
Tim might help with consulting hours
BS will add to Slate instances after they’ve credentialledcredentialed- complete
Enrollment analytics work: