Copy the VQL below into the shell
Replace {CONNECTION_NAME} with the desired name for the Box file connection
Replace {BOX_FILE_ID} with the ID of the file in Box.
Navigate to, and double click on the new connection, then click Create Base View.
Code Block
language | sql |
CREATE OR REPLACE FOLDER '/01-base_layer' ; CREATE OR REPLACE FOLDER '/01-base_layer/01-connections' ; CREATE OR REPLACE FOLDER '/01-base_layer/01-connections/Box' ; DROP DATASOURCE DF IF EXISTS {CONNECTION_NAME} CASCADE; CREATE DATASOURCE DF {CONNECTION_NAME} FOLDER = '/01-base_layer/01-connections/box' ROUTE HTTP 'http.CommonsHttpClientConnection,120000' GET 'https://api.box.com/2.0/files/{BOX_FILE_ID}/content' CHECKCERTIFICATES AUTHENTICATION OAUTH20 ( ACCESSTOKEN = 'o35eKDYzCuM2buo8pazGwKwpVIw3MLDwlnqOyXrLr3SsiPG6g4TV5IpxOt4WnRGpTwIClXzb34tBhaqpGeV/RNR5RBSiYbVugR3f5XFL/SZzDyQXUYDobbUKnCWmYbm0' ENCRYPTED REQUESTSIGNINGMETHOD = HEADER AUTHENTICATION_GRANT = CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_GRANT TOKENENDPOINTURL = 'https://api.box.com/oauth2/token' EXTRA_PARAMETERS_OF_REFRESH_TOKEN_REQUEST ( 'box_subject_type' = 'enterprise', 'box_subject_id' = '192935' ) CLIENTIDENTIFIER = '0jngdws659fyhpkb80f8fbt26q7olovd' CLIENTSECRET = 'h4At1ylcdKSNQwrPno80ds7qHUefLv1OXOJUzjBRbWN8lOgBuMpjFzsYVfKwzuPqj2V1iI1VmAopMo18r3ZNyL7/Q8q3lEdj1Nj9qz9grSZN2ad2+OyW73xCXEOneEOc9WlZYfwS4WMsxqV+Rko5k5i4RTnoY9L4ohjMmlvXSUs=' ENCRYPTED ACCESSTOKENEXPIRESIN = 4155 ) PROXY OFF COLUMNDELIMITER = ',' ENDOFLINEDELIMITER = '\n' HEADER = TRUE;
Copy the VQL below into the shell
Replace {CONNECTION_NAME} with the desired name for the Box file connection
Replace {BOX_FILE_ID} with the ID of the file in Box.
Navigate to, and double click on the new connection, then click Create Base View.Click OK in the Configure
In the next screen, for Tuple Root, put /JSONFile/JSONArray
and click Create Base View.
language | sql |
Copy the VQL below into the shell:
Code Block CREATE OR REPLACE FOLDER '/01-base_layer' ; CREATE OR REPLACE FOLDER '/01-base_layer/01-connections' ; CREATE OR REPLACE FOLDER '/01-base_layer/01-connections/Box' ; DROP DATASOURCE JSON IF EXISTS {CONNECTION_NAME} CASCADE; CREATE DATASOURCE JSON {CONNECTION_NAME} FOLDER = '/01-base_layer/01-connections/box' ROUTE HTTP 'http.CommonsHttpClientConnection,120000' GET 'https://api.box.com/2.0/files/{BOX_FILE_ID}/content' AUTHENTICATION OAUTH20 ( ACCESSTOKEN = 'lJ9DtUEFbvcyXTYkOmnLGRd5LHac+ala0FuWq0d10L8650cm2zzHNWqrBnYmWBo0HEdQL0k8FQ2otLs8Ju6hDl8IdtLn2wvB8YFrgnV2XdyDlhmWYPYIIsQ/BzjSJprpeAYMEw6KP/KaJRJsWvMj6SPH/UmmLioKyxm9vs3oxps=' ENCRYPTED REQUESTSIGNINGMETHOD = HEADER AUTHENTICATION_GRANT = CLIENT_CREDENTIALS_GRANT TOKENENDPOINTURL = 'https://api.box.com/oauth2/token' EXTRA_PARAMETERS_OF_REFRESH_TOKEN_REQUEST ( 'box_subject_type' = 'enterprise', 'box_subject_id' = '192935' ) CLIENTIDENTIFIER = '0jngdws659fyhpkb80f8fbt26q7olovd' CLIENTSECRET = 'Casmq3IRPhmhtynCi+xaldm11WSqZxwPoL1iBmii3qKtHIcofjdOrTNmsHEopSFL5Sv3wJA36xquOjkb0eGT6zIMz9s9R2/5KCdBDO4Gpw4M0QC27DrP+2y/gHkbWQq0g5h5fPZ7IfwzhfPWgnW9LSUDw7la29W7GiaygNE4Q7w=' ENCRYPTED ACCESSTOKENEXPIRESIN = 4155 ) PROXY OFF;
Excel (WIP)
Copy the VQL below into the shell
Replace {CONNECTION_NAME} with the desired name for the Box file connection
Replace {BOX_FILE_ID} with the ID of the file in Box.
Navigate to, and double click on the new connection, then click Create Base View.
Click OK in the Configure JSON View Dialog
In the next screen, for Tuple Root, enter the value that matches your file structure, then click Create Base View. A common Tuple Root value is