Data modeling
There is an “Introduction to Denodo' class available in the Tufts Learning Center which we require all new users to complete. Simply log in and search for “Denodo”.
There is also comprehensive, free on-demand training available on the Denodo website. Simply create an account using your Tufts email to access the training.
For questions, email: training@denodo.com
Please note that courses may expire if you do not complete them within a certain timeframe; however, you can simply register for the course again to extend that timeframe.
Additionally, there is a Denodo Online User Community. If you create an account with your Tufts email, you can avoid entering the promotion code above for each course.
Onboarding Steps
Team new to Denodo
Data needs determined
Virtual Database (VDB) created in Denodo
AD groups created in Grouper
AD groups imported into Denodo
Team exists in Denodo
Dev AD group for team assigned