In this session, we walked through a number of troubleshooting examples where joins were misconfigured or where nuances of EXISTS NOT IN vs. NOT EXISTS IN affected the results. Leigh also asked about the location information that sometimes appears on student timelines tied to message clicks or ping activity; the message track query base does have an export for Region, and we could get at country as well with a formula export. Other location information on the timeline appears to be derived from the [person.login] table, and one of the library exports that FGI added includes the most recent login city.
:30 troubleshooting: why don’t I get Tufts students in this query?
5:00 why does a Slate ID search in the old Prospect base not return the particular student? Old prospect base excluded records tagged with the Opt Out
7:15 How to reconstruct that Prospects without opt-outs in CJ’s
8:45 the problem with base joins to tag records
12:15 the difference between EXISTS NOT IN and NOT EXISTS
16:20 example of applications that do not have the admit decision
24:00 not exists, not in
32:20 question: api feed from Bird to create interactions--how tricky is it? discussion of source formats
40:00 Tristan found the brand new Inquiry Details entity
41:20 IP addresses/location data--querying on messages
message is one row per message received
message track--one row per open/click
login table has city data
Fletcher CJ Training #7 10/25/2024