Vet #2
We got our first look at subqueries in Configurable Joins, both exports—for example, concatenated lists of missing checklist items, aggregate counts of the number of schools attended—and filters—returning person records who have at least 2 applications or where the 'Test Account' tag exists. We also discussed how fields like 'Round' belong to the application record, so if I'm interested in querying based on round, that's usually going to indicate that I want a query base of 'Application' rather than 'Person'. The query base by default will include the exports and filters for the data specific to that base (in this case, applications), and then to bring in data about the person record (name, birthdate, citizenship, other information that wouldn't likely change if someone reapplies) I just need to join to Person at the base of the query to make that available.
We started off with a recap of the test tag subquery filter, then jumped into discussing event data in Slate: how to pull aggregate information, like how many events someone attended, as well as information about their first event attended or most recent event attended.
John asked about ways to limit the exports that appear by default when clicking 'New Query' directly from an event form. I did some digging, and while there isn't a global setting to control this, if the form uses custom list exports, the query that's generated will default to including only those list exports. In testing this with events, this seems to be respected when the query is started from the event template, but not from a specific event, so just something to keep in mind. And, as I shared, you can also start the query directly from the query tool using the form response base if you don't need the default exports.
For next time, I'll plan to walk through each of the 'Output' options under subqueries and share some examples of when you might want to use each.