Fletcher CJ Training #3 9/20/2024
“We reviewed a couple of joins for address and application, then explored how Slate can help answer the question of which specific form response was submitted first. We validated the joins we added by comparing the results inside a subquery export, talked about sorts, and mentioned the ability to filter date fields using relative values like "today" or "today - 3 years". As attribution reporting was of interest to the group, we previewed what was possible with origin groups and sources. While most of the time this will be used in queries for person records or applications, we also talked about how it was possible, at least in theory, to go the other direction, pulling a list of origin sources (or forms, interactions, etc.) and finding the count of records for which that was the first source.”
1:00 Troubleshooting: why is US missing in list of countries in exports--in STL exports, Tristan showed how US is hard coded to return null--may have been custom coded for Fletcher
8:00 review of CJ version of that query
12:00 using a subquery to find all of the enrolling students
14:45 direct v. extended filter reminder
16:15 using <> with dates
16:55 relative dates (today - x) days are default; weeks, years, fortnights ?! but probably not months
18:45 subquery export from applications
19:40 concatenate output
21:30 form responses, starting with people
22:50 adding a sort
23:40 adding details of which form
24:40 limiting which forms are returned
29:30 adding subquery export of other forms returned
36:50 Origin Sources overview
44:00 Sample query on Origin Sources
47:45 existence export
48:30 system query : one row per origin source group name, or origin group source type
--> Tristan off in the weeds satisfying his own curiosity: independent subqueries, reviewing the SQL in a custom SQL base, trying to see what he can get attached back to person for origin sources
but does eventually come back round to doing a count of people who have each type of origin source