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Generally Available




All data access roles (not public)

Dean/Division Leader Role
(Identified data for own unit)

Reporting and Compliance Roles

(University-wide access as needed)

Others must provide justification for use

Identified data

Reporting and Compliance Roles

(University-wide access)

Types of Data


•Title (fac/staff) / Level (students)

•HR Title (fac/staff)

•Department / Program



•Pronouns (user provided)

•Email address

•Affiliations (faculty/staff/student/...)

•Classification (temp, post doc, RA, staff/grade, faculty)


•Course registrations

•Age range (..., 25-35, 36-45, …)

•Financial transaction data 

•Leave/return dates

•Service dates

•Space assignments

•Grant proposals and awards

•Enrollment status

•Home address

•Local address

•Alum/donor name/contact info



•Gender identity



•Marital status

•Date of birth

•Benefit selections

•Admissions decisions (before release)


•Alum/donor gift history

•Social security number

•Driver’s license number

•Passport number
