Mapping from Slate Identity/Marker to Slate Sex for consumption by SIS:
Coalesce: Identity first, then Marker.
Male/M → Male
Female/F → Female
Decline to State → blank
X → Indeterminate/Intersex/Unspecified was the original assumption about how to map this, but we are going the wrong way, percentage-wise---I think this should be non-binary, and then let people change to intersex if they want to. DIscuss with Helen on Wednesday!
text fields (”other” description) may be brought into Slate, but cannot go to SIS
Using the work Helen did in TUSMGP as a model, there is now an automated query in Vet and in TUH that will update the delivered ‘sex’ value with a concatenated Identity/Marker value; the Assign Sex field for SIS interface queries are set to run between 2-4 pm to get the updates before data is pulled for SIS. These run to the Trigger: Person - Sex source format.
Note: when copying over the query, the
When copying over the query, the ‘extended’ export value Helen had set in the concatenated sex export gets reset to “default”. The mapping existed for M and F, but NB value was not mapped anywhere. 12/2 Updated both the mapping, so NB flows correctly, but also updated the export values.
12/2 reviewed imports and updated anyone with an NB value by hand on their application record, since it had not been mapped
In the applications we control, should we be asking for “other”, even if we cannot send that to SIS? Is it just performative? Elizabeth Storrs ask Hope!