All data/reference files: TUV VMCAS API 2024-2025 updates
Source format inactivated 10/14/2024
complete 10/7/2024
Personal Statement suppInfo.essa.essa0.essayText
Three month gap explanation gapEducationOrWorkDescrip
Disciplinary Explanation persInfo.otheInfo.infr1.explanation
Performance Explanation persInfo.otheInfo.infr0.explanation
Candidacy Changes since previous application cand_change
Previous Professional Degree Enrollment (new!) previousEnrollmentDescrip
Tufts essay (or video) essay
Why Tufts? progMate.progSele0.custQues.quesBloc4.ques2282441.answerId
Additional Information otherRelevantInformation
I missed ‘Why Tufts’! The recovery: map and watch for next file to come in on the feed – Complete
Pull the field from WebAdmit (which has to be done anyway for all of the text fields to re-format for the line breaks '/n' issues)
License and Certifications (new for 2025!) was mapped, but does not have date. Also found type for group #83 was missing…and there were just 3. Added 11 more, so 14 in total are now available through the API (with dates!).
10/7/2024 complete --re-run on 10/15 to pick up an stragglersany stragglers
last 199 import is ready to upload
Although the data is not being immediately used, the Reader cutoff score does include the gpas. Grad schools will come over as 0.0 if there is no data, so those need to be adjusted to not blow up the formula.