Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

All data/reference files: TUV VMCAS API 2024-2025 updates


  • Personal Statement suppInfo.essa.essa0.essayText

  • Three month gap explanation gapEducationOrWorkDescrip

  • Disciplinary Explanation persInfo.otheInfo.infr1.explanation

  • Performance Explanation persInfo.otheInfo.infr0.explanation

  • Candidacy Changes since previous application cand_change

  • Previous Professional Degree Enrollment (new!) previousEnrollmentDescrip

  • Tufts essay (or video) essay

  • Why Tufts? progMate.progSele0.custQues.quesBloc4.ques2282441.answerId

  • Additional Information otherRelevantInformation

I missed ‘Why Tufts’! The recovery: map and watch for next file to come in on the feed – Complete

Pull the field from WebAdmit (which has to be done anyway for all of the text fields to re-format for the line breaks '/n' issues)


License and Certifications (new for 2025!) was mapped, but does not have date. Also found type for group #83 was missing…and there were just 3. Added 11 more, so 14 in total are now available through the API (with dates!).


GPA Data

10/7/2024 complete --re-run on 10/15 to pick up an stragglers

Although the data is not being immediately used, the Reader cutoff score does include the gpas. Grad schools will come over as 0.0 if there is no data, so those need to be adjusted to not blow up the formula. All GPAs (for replacing 0.0 with blanks) is the query to find everyone who has a gpa that is 0.0. There is a field in the query that is set to look for the non-blank records, and we could also restrict so it is just the graduate gpas, but there is no reason not to clean those records as well. [I feel like retention policies are a thing to look at the clean up these blank rows across all of the entities.]

There is no way to map a number field to a blank value, so the spreadsheet has to have the 0.0 values removed, then updated via the Replacing 0.0 in GPA entity rows with blanks source format. This matches the values on GPA GUIDS, VMCAS ID and Slate app ID’s. [That’s a bit wack, mixing the Slate app ID and the VMCAS person ID values, but it works.]


For the 2025 cycle, I did the initial clean up of these