Versions Compared


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Note that since users get their roles from AD and don’t actually exist in Denodo, we can’t impersonate actual users.

License Management

Updating Licenses in Solution Manager

Updating the license for Denodo is easily done through the Solution Manager web app.

Navigate to the Install License Page and drag the new license file into the UI dialog, then click Install.


Configuring the VDP Server

As long as Solution Manager is being used to manage licenses, each VDP server needs to be configured to connect to Solution Manager for acquiring it’s license.

  1. Edit <DENODO_HOME>/conf/ to have the following values (assumes SSL is setup):

    Code Block
    # License Manager Configuration
  2. Restart the VDP server

  3. Check the logs to confirm that the VDP server has started successfully and test connecting with a client.

Denodo Scheduler

SMTP Configuration
